
Why Employee Shuttle Service is a Great Option


In the fast paced life of the twenty-first century, transportation is a major worry, especially when you consider reaching your office in time every day. While technology has progressed by leaps and bounds, office commute remains a constant worry even today. Bus, train, subway all kinds of transportation happens to be jam packed with people and is unbearably suffocating. Shuttle service sounds not only comfortable but also cost-friendly, not only for the employees but also the employers in such a scenario.

Driving through the rush hour traffic and being punctual, beginning work immediately after reaching office by beating the traffic blues is almost impossible. That is exactly why several companies have started providing transportation to their employees. Providing such service has many practical benefits and can actually be a great option.

  • Well-being of Employees & Productivity: Beating the traffic blues is much more difficult than beating the much dreaded Monday blues. Employee well-being and productivity is directly proportional to their mode of transport, believe it or not. Shuttles are not only comfortable, but mode of transport helps employees prepare for a presentation or meeting or any work that they have to face in the office because here the employees do not have to undergo the hassle of driving through the traffic. Also, they could relax for a while, check and send important e-mails or hold a telephonic conversation without using up the valuable working hours or being overheard by strangers. It is obvious that a happy employee is more productive one. However, the well-being of the employees ultimately depends on how they travel to office, too.
  • Punctuality: The key to success is punctuality and there is no way that we can deny this fact. Providing a shuttle facility for the employees ensures that they reach office punctually and since they can relax and rest on their way to office so it also ensures that they can make the most of their working hours. Shuttle travel ensures that the clock is given the topmost priority with regards to working hours.
  • Cost Saving: Providing your employees with a shuttle service can be a cost effective option too. Providing it means you can curtail the costs of building a parking lot. Besides this, the amount spent by the employees on office commute has to be paid for by the employer many a time and providing shuttle services makes economic sense as well as restrict the attrition rate.
  • Environment Friendly: It is important that you adopt environment friendly means and do your bit for the environment and the earth. Shuttles are a great option here! It reduces the fuel consumption as well as harmful emissions thereby reducing the lethal carbon footprints sharply.

The benefits of shuttles are numerous with the list going on and on. Besides, you could also consider providing your employees with an opportunity to get acquainted with each other so that a healthy atmosphere prevails in the office courtesy the shuttle transportation. It is sure to add to your company’s reputation.

Joe Lee
Hi, My name is Joe Lee and I am the founder of My purpose of creating this blog is to spread the knowledge of auto with others.

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